I have the very lucky fortune of having perfect teeth. I still have my wisdom teeth, no fillings, no sensitivity, never had braces, I've got one crooked wolf tooth which is apparently somewhat attractive.
The only problem I have with them is that they have a yellow tinge. Not super obvious, and they come out white in photos (reflection of the flash) but I've never really been happy with the colour.
I've tried whitening products twice; one worked quite well but wore off pretty quickly. The last one I got from my dentist, didn't even work.
So, in order to nip this in the bud once and for all, I went to one of those Laser Teeth Whitening places instead of a dentist.The process is pretty interesting; you make your appointment for the following week and they get you to brush your teeth with a tooth mousse for that week to help desensitise your teeth. They'd also make the plastic trays that are moulded to your teeth, but I already had some.
At the appointment, they put the stuff on your teeth and then stick a lazer pointed at your mouth for an hour and a half while you watch a movie.Sounds pleasant, but holey moley! It's a bit freaky having all this stuff in your mouth and almost impossible to swollow, and of course, because it's hard to swollow, suddenly you need to every 2 seconds. Apart from choking on my own saliva, after a while your teeth get super sensitive and your nerves seem to spasm or something. It's incredibly un-nerving and totally painful. There's nothing you can do about it.
They did go superwhite and looked great, but I honestly nearly cried on the way home, these shocks of sensitivity were amazing. I've done martial arts forever, and have quite a high pain threshold, but usually when something hurts you can do something about it. If you've busted your ankle, you rest it. If you walk on it, it's going to hurt. With this whole tooth thing, there was nothing I could do, everything would be fine, then suddenly a shock of nerve pain would hit. Biting down, moving your head, closing your mouth, opening your mouth, nothing would work.The rest of that day I was in massively weird pain, Nurafen Plus helped a bit, but it was still there.I had to put tooth mousse in my trays and wear that, that helped also.
I don't want to sound like a wuss, because I don't think I am, but it was probably the most surreal pain I've ever faced, and because it was completely self-induced and vanity related I felt foolish.I didn't tell anyone, including Cara, until the pain subsided. That was easy enough, I think it took Cara a couple of days to notice the brightness. In her defence, we were both pretty busy, we may have only hung out at bed-time.
They gave me a heap of the bleach and asked me to use it after a couple of days to secure the colour, but honestly, even a couple of weeks my teeth were really sensitive and I'd still get random jolts of tooth pain. Also, they were pretty bright already, I didn't want to blind people.
After about 3 weeks though, my teeth were back to their yellow tinge but still fairly sensitive.
I used the bleach on Thursday night for an hour and they went straight back to white, but the jolts of sensitivity came back also.I've been using the touth mousse and a sensiivity toothpaste pretty much the whole time.
Honestly, I think I regret the whole process and honestly wouldn't wish it on an enemy let alone recommend it to a friend.The yellow came back too quickly for the expense and the pain of the whole ordeal. I honestly wish I had photos to show y'all, but I never even thought about it until right this second.
Strangely, my teeth look totally white in some light, and totally yellow in other light, so I can't even be outraged and all IT DIDN'T WORK AT ALL RARRR!