Monday, February 13, 2017

Free Education University Interview Q&A

Free Education University has saved students (and their parents) tens of thousands of dollars off their education. Get more information at Save $400 using Promo Code: JKC20.


Adam: My parents actually got their university education completely for free, my university course was about $12k which I didn’t have to pay back until I was earning a decent wage… but students these days can easily finish their education with a couple of hundred thousand dollars owing… how did you first learn that you didn’t have to follow the pack in that regard?

Matthew: My perseverance and inquisitive nature is what help me learn that I did not have to follow the pack in any regard. I have always been an inquisitive person and if you ask my mother she will tell you that it all began at a very young age. It was when I first figured out a way to climb out of my crib and crawl into my parents’ bed without them ever waking up. Believe me when I tell all of you, I’m not really doing anything special and I’m not really asking unique questions either.

I can tell you however, that my inquisitive nature that I  developed as a little kid paid off for me, because now I still ask the questions but instead of stopping or ‘giving up’ after the first or second ‘no’ I continue digging deeper until I find the answers that completely satisfy me. And how do I know when I’m given an answer that satisfies me? It’s when the answer I get allows me to move closer and closer to my goal(s).

It was early in my life, when my mother presented an idea that changed my perception; which changed how I approached and looked at the world. My mother would always say, “The only thing you always know, is that you never know. That is the only thing you can really be certain of, Matthew.” I quoted this to my friend when I was 12, after he told me that his dad would not allow us to watch more than an hour of TV for the day. So just ask. I have simplified this idea shown to me into a principle which is, “IT NEVER HURTS TO ASK.” The worst case scenario is that they say no. The main difference between asking and not asking, is if you do not ask, you know the answer is no; however, if you ask there is a possibility that someone might say yes.

I was immersed in perseverance and adaptation through my mother's example. I developed and really focused my perseverance to finding funding/resources for school. Even today, as I write this answer, I am reminded that I do not like to be indebted to anyone. In essence, securing funding was the aftermath my experience of my childhood, because of my upbringing and interaction with it.

Adam: A close friend of mine joined the workforce straight out of high school and never went to college, but now at the age of 26 she’s risen as high as she can on the corporate ladder without a degree.  What would be your advice to her?

Matthew: I would first like to say that these days it is becoming increasingly hard to climb to the top of the corporate ladder without having at least a degree. We have saturated the market with high school diploma’s, which has forced the job market to up their standards. I can easily see in the future where every job will require at least a bachelor’s degree. It is crazy to say, but I can see it.

Now, as it pertains to my funding dance I would tell this person to have her job pay for her education. Most places have funds set aside to pay for continuing education and/or training of their employees. The only hiccup to this is that some places will limit how much money they give for education. If they cannot pay for all of your education, then I would ask them to pay $1595 for my program. If they can at least do that, then I will show you how to find all the money you will need to go earn a bachelor’s and even a master’s degree. Now, my program is originally $1995, but if you use the promo code JKC20 then you will receive a $400 scholarship.

Adam: I know this is probably a super hard question, but why do you think education is so expensive these days?  

Matthew: This is a great question that has multiple answers and layers to it. My immediate thought is that everything increases in cost over time.  Gasoline is a great example. This product cost under $1.30/gallon in 1999, but now it is over $3 and sometime over $4 per gallon now. Like everything in this country, it usually increases over time because of inflation.

Another answer I can give is the fact that we don’t put enough money into the education bucket to keep state schools even lower than what they are now. State school’s tuition has doubled over the last decade because they keep getting less over the years, and there are more and more high school students graduating from high school wanting to go to college. The other layer to this fact of less spending as a nation in education is the fact that we spend more in the military than the next 7 countries combined. Now, I do not see the whole picture that goes into how we spend money or how we choose one over the other, but these are facts.

Adam: You work in the academic arena… are you going to get into trouble from your peers for helping people get around the hefty price tags of courses?

Matthew: No I do not see me getting in trouble with showing people this program. This program will allow more students the ability to afford college. This will help the academic arena more. Also, most of my resources come from outside of the institution, so they will not lose money. Actually, they will receive more money from this because we are also in a unique time where students are defaulting on their loans. When this happens no one gets paid. I am sure institutions lose money when someone does not pay back their loans.

The University of Texas chancellor came out about a year ago with many statements on the future of education. One of these statements made the claim that we need to provide resources so that no student leaves or doesn’t start college because of finances. You see they even get that having tools that will help students break the financial barrier, then more will come, stay, and complete. The tool can be used by colleges and universities to help recruit.

The more interesting question is, what will Universities and colleges’ do when being the cheapest institution does not matter anymore? What will they do when a student picks a college solely based on who they are connecting with the institution?

Adam: Thank you so much for your time Matthew, this is brilliant, are you happy for our readers to contact you directly?

Matthew: Yes. Absolutely. They can call, text or email.

To get more information, go to

To save $400 off the curriculum, use Promo Code JKC20.

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