So a while back, let's call it "Monday", I went to the funeral of that uncle I was talking about earlier. It was really good, way more people than I expected rocked up and the eulogy was nice. They basically omitted the last 40 years he spent in a drunken haze and focused on the good bits. I totally thought it was a job well done.
I got totally caned by all family members for only ever seeing them at funerals, but that's another story.
As part of the funeral, the family put 3 objects on his coffin, as a symbol of his life.
1. A pair of pliers to represent his career as an Electrical Engineer. (P.S - I never knew this bit)
2. A billard triangle ball setting up thing to represent his love of billards and pool (and only reference the whole day that he may have spent decades in a bar).
3. His Melbourne Football Club scarf.
I did like his funeral thing, it made me very much think about my own life and how I would what it all summed up. Who would rock up? Who should I be better friends to in this life that is oh so short?
So, it got me thinking about 3 objects that would sum up my passions or 3 symbols of my life. What would I want there versus what would the people involved put there?
I reckon, left upto family we'd find a camera, a laptop and a pair of dancing shoes mainly because these are the things all close and distant family members ask me about every time. 'Are you still taking nice photos, how's work, are you still dancing?'
We'd struggle with Cara because she said she wanted three different albums of Radiohead, but I reckon she'd end up with a piano, a rhodes keyboard and a microphone balanced precariously up there.
So, what 3 items would I want?I really would like the camera, because I really am stupidly into taking nice photos and I think about it a lot.
Apart from that, I'm not sure.
A laptop certainly defines my life to a degree, but I'm not sure if that's a lasting image I want to leave.
I love people, but it seems a bit rough to make some peeps stand on up there in front of everyone.
I've always loved movement of body and hence always been excited about martial arts and dancing and other such movement intensive activities but hows does that translate into an object.
A motorbike helmet? I'm not obsessed about bikes at all, I know very little about them, it's just a form of transport for me that everyone else is excited about for me.
No clues.
It's not really important, I don't intend to go out in a blaze of glory for at least another 253 years, but, dear reader, are there any three objects that sum you up? Could my questions be any harder?