So like, when trapped in an office underground you pretty much assume that the world outside is super rad. It might be cyclonin' out there but it's all sunshinin' in my mind.
I have two problems. 1.) My segues need work. 2.) My imagination has a fairly common but fairly damaging overactive issues. Instead of dreaming about getting up from my desk, walking outside and wandering through the streets and shops, I've invented some games I would like to play:
Game 1: 500 metre Crowd Dash
A number of competitors are lined up. An official starts the race with a clear loud "GO!"
Competitors dash to the finish line where an official officiates. Only competitors that were not disqualified are eligible for the winnings.
Allowed movement types: Running, sprinting, hopping, jumping, duck + somersault, diving, wall running, hurdling, twirling, dodging.
Disqualifying moves: Causing members of crowd to drop cool refreshing beverages or food.Making little kids cry.Touching any members (or members of members) of crowd.Getting arrested.
Gold Star moves: Seperating Interactions of Wrong, ie, creating a distraction so a chick or a dude can escape from some clown trying to pick them up or running between someone asking for money and their victim.
Subtling barracking for the exact opposite thing a crowd member loves, ie, "Go Essendon", "Enjoy Coke", "This goes with that at Sussans", etc.Pulling out a Toyota freezeframe jump in the midst of dash.
5 gold stars = Massive Massive Belt Buckle of Achievement.
Arenas of Dash:Shopping strips, Straight after concerts or sporting events, lunchtime foodcourts, anywhere where crowds are walking in different directions at different angles and speeds.
Game 2: Biggest Gainer.
Competitors walk around clothing stores trying on clothes. The person who managed to get the most number of clothes on without being told off wins. Note: Disapproving looks from teenage staff do not count as a 'telling off', just existing is enough to get a disapproving look. Side note: I still feel like a teenager, I'm just not emo'd.
Game 3: Reversal Busking.
Competitors put 2 dollars of 20 cent coins in a hat each and then must create songs or dance performances that results in the public removing said coins. The winner is the competitor with the least amount of money in their hat. Winner gets the total monies from both hats.
Any worthy competitors out there? Anyone? Anyone?