Monday, November 01, 2004


Can not be bothered writing e-mails to my friends. I'm terrible at it. E-mails are only good for fluff or one-liners and I'm totally, totally dodge at both those things. No one says anything deep or important or funky or fun on e-mail and I don't think I've sent or received anything worthwhile for a while. I reckon all my e-mails have the same charisma as telling someone peripheral at work about your weekend. All fluff.

So, I've sent out the invite for our cup day bbq (which I may end up putting zero effort into preparing) and got a couple of e-mails back asking how life is and all that. All these people are people I don't see that often, so I can't go into the nitty gritty day-to-day stuff but I know them well enough to cover the big stuff.... but I'm bored with that and I think it's because I'm in a bad mood but freakin' bored at work. Thank god I've got tomorrow off (well, I do have to come in for 4 hours - whooo!).Pretending to work is most dodge daytime pastime!!


At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »


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