Monday, November 01, 2004


At the traffic lights, I am motorbiking boy who rides between the cars to get to the front. Not only does it get me places quicker, but because I get to the very front it means I'm not clogging up a whole car spot so more people can get through the lights. Most people either don't care or accept it. Not this morning. When the lights turned green I took off and he caned it after me - close to my tail for the next few blocks and the road ahead split into left and right, with a lane for each - red light for the right and still green for the left. I was rocketing along in the right lane to go right. Went between some cars at those lights. The dude didn't clue in straight away because I watched in my mirror as he completely tied up traffic because he now wanted to go down the left split from the rightmost lane. There was beeping and big trucks and chaos and I smiled because stupid aggression should always mess you up.


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