Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Kicking old ladies and funky air waitresses out of the way, I got off the plane first. I was BUSTING for the toilets so I was a bit happy that she wasn't at the gate - the plane was five minutes early. Ha! Timing is everything.

Once I totally finished I went back to my gate. The last few people were coming through the gate and she was standing there so perplexed. Turning suave and motherchunkin' cocky all the way up to 11 I walked up behind her and told her not to look so concerned and that her friend will be along shortly. Have I mentioned, dear reader, that I do love to make an entrance?

So anywho, the dealio was that Sam didn't lose it, didn't have a breakdown, doesn't have a illness of the brain, isn't unwell and is in quite high spirits. It turns out that she was drugged in a way swank hotel in Bali. They are guessing liquid ecstacy or acid which didn't hit her straight away, but started some way funked hulicinations after she awoke the next day and stayed in her system for like 6 days. The hullicinations lasted for 4 days, where she thought a friend was her long dead grandmother, she thought she was her brother, she gave away her handbag to a stranger, never ate, left her backpack "somewhere safe" and all sorts of funness. She had never done drugs before and so it was all a bit hardcore for her and everyone else. The thought of her being drugged really does make me sick to my stomach, it has had massive effects and probably wasn't too far OD'ing. Anywho, she's all normal and good and has been doted on by her parents and hugged good by her friends.

Amber, who rocked up with her boyfriend Justin was awesome. Justin seems really cool and I think I'll be quite good friends with him and the two girls were exactly the same as I remembered them. We had an awesome night and now I'm completely doggone rooted because I've spent far too much time on planes - there weren't even any MOTHER----- SNAKES - what's the point?


At 1:03 PM, Blogger that girl said...

Good to hear shes okay..hopefully she won't have any long term effects.

Sounds like it was acid/lsd. They can cause incredibly bad trips and paranoia.

Other wise, sounds like you had good times...have a good rest!

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Lenny said...

Way to make an enterance kiddo!


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