Tuesday, July 11, 2006

boobs and bums

You know,

I'm just not attracted to attractiveness anymore.

Earlier in my life I hardly ever saw anyone's body, I'd really only look at people's eyes. It never even occurred to me to get all excited by a young lady's cleavage. I wasn't shy or nervous, I just never really thought about it.

When I was 20 or so, I started having lunch with some dudes in the city, who full on talked about not much else. Any girl walking past with a bit of boobage, or long legs was pointed out, phwoarred and rated. It seemed a bit base to me, but the lads were way excited about their hobby and their bonding enthusiasm was catching.

After a while I started to appreciate the bits that got the boys a bit heated and eventually I'd be looking a girl up and down, I hardly looked girls in the eye, I was too busy.

Some years later, I didn't like that part of my character, I didn't see it degrading to women as such, I saw it far more as a weakness on my part. That flash of excitement when you get a glimpse does nothing for your talking + hilarity skills. It doesn't do much for balance.

As far as girls have told me, they totally don't like feeling like a dude has copped a look, it's hard for girls not to feel like they should be on the defence all the time. Some of my friends from the office listed all the office dudes with wandering eyes, I was totally surprised who featured.

Girls on the most part are attracted to dudes who have a bit of control. Control of themselves, their emotions, control of a situation, etc. Not distant or overbearing, maybe more the capability to control.

Travelling through the dancing section of my life it was easy to bust through the sneaky peaky bit of me. There were boobs and legs and bums and all skin bits around all the time, you kinda OD on it after a while.

Doing the whole photography thing has made me appreciate someone's funness levels far more than their appearance. If you're after an awesome shot, or a sexy shot or whatever, a subject that is totally cheeky will produce something so much better than a perfect looking boring person.

I'm not quite back to where I was but a persons eyes and their funness is far, far more attractive to me than their boobs/legs/elbows.

Now I just need to enlighten the chicks around me to stop them being such pervs. Freakin' shockers!


At 7:33 AM, Blogger Ben said...

Good job there Adam.

I've also never really been a bit T+A perving fellow. Funness is so much more addictive. The way the fun chicks move. Yum.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger BEVIS said...

Perving is for dirty pervs.

I can't believe we three are agreeing on this topic. It's good, but it just feels like a joke.

Notice everyone else's silence?

Dirty pervs.

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Ben said...

Aren't we apparently the same person?

At 11:09 PM, Blogger BEVIS said...

Yeah, all three of us, according to the rumours/papers/Internet chat groups/psychologists/truth.

But you can't believe everything you hear/read/say/know to be true.

(PS - That was kinda my point about it being weird that we all three agreed. Fuel to the fire, etc.)


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