Sunday, December 17, 2006

I'm alive/okayish.

Wellity, wellity, wellity.

Whoa! For possibly the first time since the inception of this blog I'm going to write about more than one thing in a single post. It's a big, big day for blogging.

You may notice that it is actually Sunday and I'm here typing at this ol computadora instead of listening to a John Cena speech. You may have also noticed you tearing up over the slightest thing and not known why. From Wednesday the 13th of December, my workplace has blocked/outfiltered blogger and blogger related sites for reasons that they may contain the word "sex". You peeps should be ashamed of yourselves! Dirty little hoes.

So, I have no idea how I am to fill in my 40 hours a week, I could do work, but I'll be exhausted and professional. I may instead start reading the entire wiki website. Yeah baby, smarts and 'That Adam, he's so full of knowledge plus he's also dreamy' are coming my way!

Secondly, I wanted to write up my survival of the Brisbane Blogger Meet.

Our assigned meeting place was a stroke of organisational genius, it avoided the confusion of everyone looking for someone they had never seen in a crowded pub. I got there early because I'm a big wuss bag and not very good at approaching random people to ask 'hi, will you be my friend?' and also I didn't have any phone numbers so I didn't want to be late and miss the big blogger boat.

That stroke of organsational genius however, was ungeniusified by the rain that D'Jen systematically brings when she ventures to an outting.... meaning entire crowds of weird old dudes and families were huddled in and around our exclusive place of meet.

At 5 minutes to I started to wonder if I had the wrong place, not realising that Brisbane Bloggers are a smart ol bunch and had set up vantage points where they could spy on the meeting point.

Eventually I heard the hushed whispers of 'you say something' 'no, you say something' and spied Delightful Jen's famous face.

Now, I'm sure you're far more interested in what these Brisbane Bloggers are actually like more than what transpired, so here is the Adam Summary Of Personality:

Delightful Jen.
D'Jen is a little a tiny cute little girl trapped in a tall person's body. Her voice, views, inabilty to swear and arguing style all make you want to wrap her in a blanket and ask your parents if you can keep her.

I found her impossible to argue against and thusly I will be reading blogs and writing comments from home rather than eating and sleeping like I usually do in my non-work hours. I'd trust her to look after any kids I probably won't have, but I wouldn't trust her to look after an ancient family heirloom box of chocolate/shoes. You have been warned.

Deb seemed like a lovely, reasonable, entertaining young lady which made me think she was up to something. You'd know she'd charm your grandma by talking through recipes of old person food but also laugh at the bawdy jokes of your grandma's harley-riding neighbours. I didn't get to spend too much time with young Deb, but she seemed a bit alright.

I'll be seeing a lot more of Jac in the future, which may lead to such entertaining conversations as 'Hey Adam, whoa! I loved that post on your blog, have you told your girlfriend about your blog yet, here is your double choc icecream with sprinkles Girl Holding Adam's Hand'. I guess Jac could be a lovely, decent person, but frankly we didn't see it, she was far too busy being hilarious and way quick witted. She's got a way with the comebacks this one.

Enny is a girl who you can always trust to be completely honest with everyone and therefore she won't be introduced to my parents, bosses, work collegues or friends anytime soon. I reckon she's one of these people who has to let you in to be friends with her, then unleashes the cuteness. Good with the jokes, good with the overall knowledge of world, if I did introduce her to my friends, they'd probably like her more than me. Go back to Canberra/let me know if you want to go to the movies.

Natalie was mean to her husband and made him leave.
I reckon this chick is like stupidly smart and has a ridiculous awesome memory and therefore was very entertaining and had a joke or story for every single situation. She also picked up a lesbian at the bar.

The lesbian then told me wild and varied stories about her excellent boobs being as much a curse as a gift and I didn't have the heart to tell her that I thought they were just okay, but she was lovely and touched my arm while she spoke so I rate the the lesbian 7/10. Natalie was okay too.

Kristy also had a story for every occasion, don't any parents teach their kids that young ladies are to be seen and not heard? She's a short little cute blond thing who probably makes friends every time she hops on a bus but I did struggle to hear a lot of what she said because the people sitting next to me were always too loud. She did give me money at the end of the night so I'd hang out with her again. Maybe.

Her job is impossible to guess. Impossible.
She was a bit unsure at the start, she only knew of Deb and was thrown into the Lions Den of Hilarity and managed to eventually escape mostly alive. She was heaps lovely which also made me think she was up to something.

Natalie's Husband.
Seemed cool. Likes cricket. Is married, ie, Hands Off, Ladies!

P.S) Jac did threaten to find random pictures off the internet and post them up. Don't believe any pictures you read on her blog.

P.P.S) All the bloggers seemed quite well endowed except for one. Way to let the team down, Adam! Freakin'. Banned from all future blogger events until the manboobs come out.

[Edit: Same story, different perspectives: Jac, Enny & DelighfulJen.]


At 2:00 PM, Blogger Enny said...

I think d'jen's genius became abundantly clear when she was all 'let's TOTALLY sit on the balcony and snigger at that guy we think is adam' - and THEN the delightful persona came out... no really!

Did I let you in to be my friend? I did tell you I was sarcastic (tho I guess it only comes out as mean and beatuppery when you read it) and I'd love to go to the movies as someone awesome told me they were fantastically cheap... tho only if D'jen can come too so she can have a tanty at the STOOPID taxis!!

I should also apologise for fleeing into the cab without saying goodbye - it was only when the door closed thaat I realised how terribly rude I was...!

At 4:10 PM, Blogger Adam said...

I can't get over how hard it was to find at taxi on Saturday night, it totally was the stupid.

Hmm, yes, that D'Jen is quite the genius, if I was super smart I would have scoped out the meeting place to see who else was scoping it out... but I'm a boy, I was just trying not to get wet.

Dude, you so let me into the friend, but I can totally see that if didn't like someone they'd know about it. I know I got in because you didn't punch me the whole night - good work dude.

Don't worry about the taxiness leavingness goodbyeness it was all a bit crazy!

At 5:50 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Eeeeeeeeeee, it was the coolest night ever!!

I'm SO glad you weren't all "D'Jen was such a skank, we should totally not invite her next time" or have you all started secret blogs and will slowly freeze me out over time? *raises eyebrow*

I really don't think I did anything rather ninja-ry by picking a checking out spot. It was a smart idea so we could survey the crowd without being all "Hi, does blogger mean anything to you?" to randoms.

P.S I am totally driving next time, god damned taxis!!!!

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Jac said...

No, no, Jen - if you drive next time you wont be able to unleash CrazyUninhibitedJen with every long island ice tea you consume! (I assume she came out after I left.. the way things were going at 6pm made me think Jen would be a wild cat by 11pm)

I love that you made a special mention of the boob-ness. Now that I think about it, we were all a fairly boob filled bunch last night!! And I think my abundance of bosom made up for your inadequacy in that department, Adam.

I wanna know what went down after I left!! Maybe Jen will indulge more on her blog...

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Mars said...

decent post.


smug bastards.

and also.

my work has blocked blogger too, it's tres annoying. there are filters though, i'd have thought a ninja like you would be all over this topic...?


blogger beta has fucked with the filters, rendering them practically useless.

so good luck with all that.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Jen said...

I'm not sure if I have a wildcat in me. I tend to become funnier* the more Long Island Iced Teas I have, but I wouldn't say it's wilder.

Wildcatness can be verified by the others who witnessed my behaviour.

*The funny tends to be subjective, in my head I become 100% hilarious but to others it sounds a lot like a drunk girl talking rubbish :) It's probabaly best for everyone if they match me, drink to drink.

P.S I indulged, go read me.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger kiki said...

where were all the other dudes at this get together??

are you a blogger whore adam?

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Adam said...

Dudes in Brisbane don't do "computers" only XXXX.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger kiki said...

pfft. what losers

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Deb said...

Please note that the deb is extremely peeved she missed out on Ahmets. Grr.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Adam said...

The thought that it was your favourite place did cross my mind, but then someone was talking to me so I forgot about it again.

If you want to organise a Deb's Shot At Ahmets, I'll come along.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Natalie said...

Just top set the record straight: i WAS TOTALLY NOT MEAN TO MY HUSBAND!!! He had other stuff to do and once he was satisfied that you weren't all devo serial killers he felt safe leaving me there.

I wouldn't have given that lesbian any more than 4/10 (are my standards too high??) and her boobs weren't that great at all!

How come the randoms always talk to me!! *wails*

Look! *points* There's Elvis!
*runs away*

At 3:09 PM, Blogger Adam said...

I thought about leaving when I realised you all weren't devo serial killers too. None out of Nine - what are the chances?

Okay, okay, young Natalie was completely lovely to her husband and I made the whole thing up. They clearly love each other and are also very good mates. In hindsight though I think he escaped while the stories were still rated Mild.

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Aussie Rock Chick said...

"where were all the other dudes at this get together??

are you a blogger whore adam?"

Hmmm... i was just wondering the same thing. Then i remembered that Adam is a complete floozy and has a harem wherever he goes. So i guess there's no reason that blogland should be any different!


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