Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Whoa! I've had a little visitor the last couple of days. It's been exciting and fun, it's been a while since I've had some visitors.

My little visitor, I think it's a girl, seems to spend most of the day sleeping and soaking in the rays. She seems to like my balcony.

I've been feeding it whatever I can find in the fridge and stroking it's little tummy and been leaving work a little earlier to go home and see what it's upto. It's so cute.

I'd attach a picture but I keep forgetting to bring out the camerage. I've been calling it little schnookyschnookysnookums* but I think it prefers to be called Cara.

The EP launch went really well last Thursday, I flew down after work and flew back early morning while Cara flew up here at a more reasonable time. She's been working craziness the last few months so she's way enjoying some down time.

It hasn't totally been like, sunny to the max dude, but she's loved it anyway. Our 4 year anniversary is in the next couple of days. We're still in dispute about the exact dateage. We clearly got together at our friend Amber's party (Amber whose dog we may look after forever).

The party was on a Friday night, we didn't actually pash until well into the morning and didn't have 'the talk' until the Sunday. The Friday was the 25th of October, The Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th. I reckon our anniversary is on the 25th, she reckons it's on the 26th.
Even though we're both big talkers, it's been a bit exhausting for us both, outside of work I haven't really had too much social contact where Cara has had heaps, but has worked mostly in isolation during the days. It's weird getting used to so much contact again. It's also weird that she's beaten me 4 times to 1 at Trouble. Girls aren't supposed to win games.

Yesterday she spent some time on the internet, our friend in England has got a blog and recently got engaged so that's been a bit exciting. Cara started up her own blog because she's a way groovy writer and is going through interesting band times, except, I haven't exactly told her about this one yet. I haven't specifically kept it from her, but I've liked having a section of my life where I could vent without consequence if need be. I'm also embarrassed and feeling guilty that I've had this going for two years without sharing it.

I do wonder if I shared this blog with her, if it would change my focus. I write for myself and sometimes for you guys, would I then write for her, or start to self-edit?

That said, it's the only part of my life I haven't been completely 100% upfront which drags on me a little.

* I must have some allergy though, every time I use this name I feel a short sharp pain in my ribs.


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Adam said...

Whoops, the whole point of this post was to tell a story about how I went to show Cara the lizards in Kangaroo point and as we walked down the side of our apartment complex we were attacked by two water dragon lizards and a giant spider. By 'attacked' I mean 'stood still while they ran away and then laughed mostly in scaredness'.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger meva said...

You see, you've been stroking it's little tummy and you know she's just started blog. Tell her you've been blogging for 2 years, and you'll be protecting your pretty face from claws.

I haven't told any family or friends about my blog. It's mine.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger kiki said...

your writing will change...

mine did. then i got dumped, and it returned to (i think) normal...

At 11:31 AM, Blogger kiki said...

to me, your anniversary is the friday

although, it doesn't particularly matter so much

if you get married and THEN debate the date, you'd have problems - plus, that date would almost make you forget this date

At 12:23 PM, Blogger meva said...

I reckon you've 3 anniversaries. Friday, Saturday AND Sunday. Partay all weekend!

At 12:40 PM, Blogger Adam said...

Sweet sweet lovin' for days, I like your style.

Yeah keeks, it doesn't actually matter because we just pick the most convenient day for funness anyways. I'm so never getting married by the way, that's too freakin' adult.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger that girl said...

happy ani comming up..

I agree with your semi hiding the blog. Mostly because I've been in weird situations due to people close to me reading my blog. It used to really be like a soap opera but these days I'm occasionally just to hesitant to write much.

So now it kinda sucks :P

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Enny said...

I would recomend telling her, but as to how and when and why I can't say... The Hun has known about mine since day Dot (not Mars'n'Dot Dot).

And our anniversary is the 21st - it was a Saturday - even tho we didn't 'get together' until the early hours of the Sunday, the Saturday became 'the day'.

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Deb said...

So you're gf has a cd?! Man that is COOL!!! COngrats!

My bf knows about my blog, but i wish he didn't coz i feel like i have no where to vent privately. Especially now that we are having some problems. I have to be real careful about what I say... but having said that, my bf has no plans to be thrust into the public eye so i dont know what would be best in your situation?

At 11:45 PM, Blogger Shelley said...

I don't think I'd tell her. It would change your writing and you'd probably end up doing some fast work on your archives. There's nothing wrong with having a little internet room of your own.

Of course, if she ever finds out you're totally on your own, dude :p


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