Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Yawn, don't mind me....

Well dear Internet, everything is going splendidly.

I am totally "between contracts" which is almost like holidays but with the potential of getting a new job at no notice. The market, however, might not be ready to take on some Adam Awesomeness this close to Christmas so I might just have to take a couple of months off.....(which I'm secretly hoping for despite that bank balance quitely hoping not. Why should that guy have all the say anyway?).

Last night was the 3rd anniversary.
Freakin' whoa!
We did discuss and decided against gifts. I don't really like stuff, I way prefer good times and Cara has a birthday on it's way so gifts were deemed unnecessary. Cara organised instead for us to see the Dirty Dancing stageshow. She really, really wanted to go and it kind of made sense since the love started when I asked her to compete in a dance competition.

I'm totally into surprising people, love it, it's like a druuuuuuuug. But (I know you shouldn't start a sentence with "but", work with me people) if the girl had organised the things and we're not the gifts, where do you work surprise in?

Cara is a total rockchick currently muffled by the man. I'm casual.
We have very differing tastes, but yesterday I took the plunge..... I went shopping by myself.


Not so scary, I've been shopping before, and have a habit of commanding the attention of all the staff in the adventure. This time I was totally out of my zone, and scared, and a little drunk from lunch with the boys.

Anyway, fast forward.
Cara leaves her almost inconvenient work meeting.
Calls Adam.
Adam down the street emergenance from parking place.
Head towards each other.
Cara completely walks past totally not registering The Adam.
Turns back when gone too far, looks around, sees me following and Bawhoa!!
I've never seen someone so excited and surprised and whoa!

I didn't even think girls really cared what dudes looked like, but she was the grinning! Completely totally blown away.
I looked hot.

So, anyway, we had a good night.

P.S) Dirty Dancing was terrible. Why all the overacting? Why?


Dude, dude, do more subtle.....


At 1:25 PM, Blogger Steph said...

Awwww it was love at first sight all over again. We want pics, we want pics!


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