Monday, May 09, 2005

Interviewin' Excellence, even if we do say so ourselves...

Hi, is this D. from the highly acclaimed blog How are you today?

Excellent. Thank you.

That's good. So what is it about your blog that makes it my most favourite in the whole world?

I think it just because you rock!

I came up with the idea of interviewing you while I was at the gym and had to write it down on a train ticket. Do you just typing at your computer and magic happens or do your ideas happen mostly in the 12 items or less queue in the supermarket?

I mentioned in a recent post that I've never once had any inspiration while standing in the fresh produce section of the market, but the express checkout line? Well, that is a completely different story. I'm usually standing there snickering to myself while thinking about the next story I'm going to post as fellow shoppers slowly move away from me.....

Hey, what is your motivation to be such a good blogger chick? You're totally consistent.

A lot of funny stuff happens around the jello capital every day. When I'm surrounded by such great material, that really makes it easy.

You mentioned once that I provided about 99.8% of the comments on your blog, am I scaring other people off?

YES! Other people are intimidated by the awesomeness of your commenting power and therefore, choose to leave no comments at all. That's cool, though. I don't mind. Comment away, Adam.

So what's the story with Heather Do you two know each other or you did find each other in your internet wanderings? She was interviewed on Australian radio because of her blog, why is she so famous?

Heather, of, is a fellow resident of the jello capital. She is famous because she was the first person to be fired from her job on account of her blog (a.k.a. getting "dooced").

So young lady, where is your life at?

I'm still trying to decide where to go from here and what to do next, so everything is up in the air right now.

Any good boys catching your eye?

Not at the moment. Most boys around the jello capital are not my type.

Do you blog up at home, at school, at work or at the Internet Fridge?

I can honestly say that I don't know what an "internet fridge" is, so I will say that I mainly blog at home. Final answer.

Is your new computer working a treat? Hey, when was the last time you cleaned up this room? It's looking like a total mess!

The new computer ROCKS! It's much nicer than the older one I was using.

How come you have good pictures of your brother, bins, trees and clouds, but all the pictures of you are crazy blurry, are you shy?

Because I was taking the pictures of my brother, bins, trees and clouds and someone else was taking the pictures of me! No. I'm totally kidding. Actually, it's because I'm not very good at photo editing, since I don't edit any of my other photos. I had to edit some other people out of the photos of myself and they ended up a bit fuzzy at the end. I've been planning to post some actual non-blurry photos, so look for those in the near future.

When was the last time you played in the toy section of a department store at 3am?

Actually, that was yesterday. Except it was 2am. It's much better at that time because all the little kids are home in bed, so we can have sword fights and test out all the toys without the possibility of injuring any small children.

Can you confirm that I'm in your Top 15 of Favourite Australian People Of All Time?

Yes. Considering that, beside you, I only know one other Australian person, you are actually in my Top 2 Favorite Australian People of All Time.

Have I asked far too many yes/no questions? Give me a break, this is my first interview ever!!

Yes and no. Congratulations on your first interview ever. I'm honored that you chose to interview me.

You're funny, why thank you. If interviewing other bloggers becomes a world-wide trend, are you totally excited that you were the first?

Yes. I think it rocks!

Thank you kindly for your time, are there any wise words you'd like to leave us with?

Holland is the only country to have a national dog.


At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interviewing excellence. It's awesome!

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Adam said...

I totally thought so too!!

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Ryan Medalie said...

Call me a stupid American, but what the hell is the Jello Capital?

And what is this dooced thing? I'm too used to the speach of 'normal red-blooded Americans' to understand.

At 3:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Jello Capital is the affectionate nickname for Salt Lake City, Utah. People here eat more Jello than any other place in the world, hence the name. Dooce started out as a mis-spelling of the word "dude" but it turned into a term for someone who gets fired from a job based on the contents of their personal website.


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