Monday, February 28, 2005

Crazy old men should be boiled down and used for vitamins

Okay so. Today might be officially my boringest day at work. This is not because I have nothing do to. I have many many things to do, however, there is one thing that everyone wants me to do. This one thing is mind-numblingly, brain-freezingology, stupid-makingly boring - that is, pretty freakin' boring.

There is this program that a crazy old man wrote. He loves his program and it needs to be tested. I am testing it. Today the crazy old man stopped by my desk to tell me why it is urgent that I test it, it's because he is looking for another job and they want this program all good before he gets some job offer.

Still with me. Good.The crazy old man took a whole dagnam hour to tell me this. An hour!!I have never ever stifled so many yawns.

So, here I am, almost getting on with it.Except the program is so complicated, no one will ever want to use it. No such thing as user-friendliness.
I'm making a list of the massive amount of things wrong with it, but I don't want to give it to him because then he'll talk to me for 67 hours. He'll justify rather than fix and I so totally don't even care.

Clearly I don't have enough actual serious problems in my life, if this gets my goat up.


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