Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Failings of a security guard

a. Can you drive a car?
b. Can you enter a building via a revolving door?

If there is a man sharing the revolving door wedge with me knocks his head a few times and actually panics before getting to the other side. If said man then asks a security guard if the place that says "drivers licence testing" is the place to get his licence. If all this happens, should the security guard politely direct the man to his destination?

I vote no.
If you can't get into a building, you aren't allowed to drive a car. Simple rule.


At 4:01 PM, Blogger Fluffy said...

I like Judge Adam. He's harsh, but fair.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

I completely agree . . . however, are you Australians spelling things like the English these days . . . do the English even spell license L-I-C-E-N-C-E.

I once had an acquaintance ask me how to spell intelligent . . . while she was typing out her resume.

If you can't spell it - you're not it.

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Adam said...

Hmmmm, I have no answers for you young lady. To me "license" just doesn't look right, but the company I'm working for (for 6 more days!!!) has a "licensing department".

Clearly, hindsight is a beautiful thing, even more beautiful than telling someone what they should have done, but maybe your spelling of intelligent should have been 'S-K-A-N-K-Y-H-O-E'.... not enough people use this buzzword in their resumes.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

Love love love that response.
Holy balls, you may be the male equivalent of me.
Do you also lose your damn mind in traffic??

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Adam said...


As soon as I am behind the wheel my brain completely changes. I'm constantly re-evaluating my route to make sure I don't have to pause to any longer than I have to. Sometimes I end up going out of my way because a particular lane was going faster. It does my head in, if I put that much energy into my work, I'd be, like, good at working.

You are totally SUV'd up, but I've now gone down the path of motorbikin'. Both get you peering over the top of everyone else (except scummy double decker buses).

At 10:31 AM, Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

You are so me with a dike. And a bike. Why am I wanting to throw dyke in there? Rhyming scheme maybe? Certainly NOT a personal preference.

I digress.

Am totally feeling you. In fact, I drove 8 miles out of my way today because the bastards in the lane that diverged my direction were driving 55 mph in a 70 mph lane. So I went to the lane where they were doing 65 in a 70 and took the long way to my first stop of the day.

God, why can't people drive???

Why don't semi-truck drivers have their own interstates and highways?

Why aren't people over the age of 65 forboden from driving between the hours of 3:30 pm and 8:00 am?

Do ALL men really think that playing car tag is a turn on?

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Adam said...

Dude, I've got it from such a reliable source that chicks (ie, ladies of all ages) find car tag massively attractive. Chicks also totally dig dudes (ie, men/boys) who take off from the lights first!!

While I'm not the God you're asking the questions of, I am a lesser known god (of Fun and bbq chicken) so I'll field these ones.

No countries seem to realise that driving is a advanced skill. This is why a lot of people can't do it. Semi's should totally have their own highways, they would be happy, we would be happy. Win, win, win, win, win.

Don't even get me started on old people....


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